What should we brew next?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

NEW Recipe- Hefeweizen Brew Day

So its been a few weeks since he last post, but we took on somthign a little differant this go around! We stepped outside our comfort zone and decided to brew somthign that we ussually wouldnt, a Hefeweizen.
It presented some challanges but we are prety excited about it. Its currently sitting in the fermenter awaiting botling here in just a few days!

So here s what we did...

The Ingrediants...
So we went a little exotic on this one! Besides the grains we used all kinds of spices like Chamomile, Lemon Zest, Grapefruit Zest, Cloves, Corriander, and Peach preserve. All with a little Cascade Hops!

A good Mixture of Grains, with some Flaked rice added for head retention. Its siting in the fermenter and is setling out to a great color for a Hefeweizen! Below are the spent grains! Which makes for great dog food, check out the Brew Pup below she was beat after chowing down!

Overall the Brewday went Great mostly inpart to our new DIY Wort Chiller(above)! Lookign forward to trying this brew and Starting on the next!! Check out the new poll at the top of the page so we know what to brew next!!!



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